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Grateful: 14 Days of Love Letters. Go!

Writer's picture: Laura@shopbasketfulLaura@shopbasketful

Updated: Feb 3, 2020

After a full month of 2020, I am full of gratitude. January introduced me to new partners, new customers, new opportunities and new lessons. At Basketful, our #ResolvetoRejuvenate event series was my way of embracing the renewal of a new year, while stripping away the pressure of a resolution. I saw it as a perfect excuse to inspire growth whilst mitigating the fear of failure - both for Basketful customers and for myself. My cup is presently full (of beautiful things, but full nonetheless). Hosting #cville experts in fields of health and wellness to share their services with our new Basketful community would be an attempt to progress, free from personal judgement of a 2020 goal unmet.

Well, guess what? Something in that personal expectation of medium effort coupled with the need to ask for help constantly in order to collaborate brought about the most beautiful realization. Just being is enough. Just starting moves you forward. Just putting an idea into the world, no matter how unscripted or unplanned, plants a seed.

How beautiful it was for me to witness this little seed of an idea be watered and nurtured and sung to and pampered by others. I was present and welcoming and, subsequently, I was honored with gifts. Gifts of advice, courage, actualization and kindness.

I observed that honesty (with one's self as much as others) plus trust (in one's self as well as others) fosters collaboration, and that almost always equals accomplishment. Without question, it equals growth and, with a little luck, it can lead to friendship.

For those in #charlottesville who were hibernating during the odd-weathered month of January, Basketful's foyer inside Main Street Market welcomed artists, healers, registered dietitians, life coaches, personal shoppers, accountants, travelers, dreamers and all around stellar women from: Forage & Thrive Nutrition Co., Gallery Pomona #gallerypomona2020, Trouvee & DLC Image Consultants #dlcimage, Soul.House.Love #soul_house_love reiki practitioner, @Deeeva_2 Event Planning, @Virginiahealingarts with Virginia Linder NE, CZB. Not to mention introductions to #bossbabescville, @heatherdodgephotography, @laurarichardsphotography, and countless others who run in circles with the ladies above.

In January 2020, I shared in people's journeys and they shared in mine. As we near the overtly commercial Valentine's Day holiday, I look forward to penning fourteen love letters to the people and ideas that graced not only my first month of this decade, but the first three months of this new adventure, launching Basketful Lifestyle & Gifts <3

Tonight, I give myself permission to be grateful.

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