Since announcing that Basketful will close on September 28, every day has brought lovely conversations about the shop and a highlight reel of memories from the last five years.
I hear myself beginning responses to the question, “why are you closing?” with,
“We’ve had a great run! It’s been 5 years, and those were some tricky years. We’re going out having learned (and conquered) a lot!”
This phrase was organic. It just came out. But, wow, has it reminded me of some mountains we climbed. The COVID years in retail.
Looking back, I feel great pride. Basketful made it as a brick and mortar retail business during years when people were not even entering indoor spaces. Our market wasn’t accessible to the public for more than twelve months. So we pivoted to outdoor markets, web sales, personal shopping and business relationships.
Upon returning to the shop, in July 2021, people had significant concern with crowds or shared spaces. We are a cozy shop. Let’s just say, it was not easy.
And yet.
A quick search of photos from that period are unmistakable because of two things - the masks and the smiles!
You don’t have to see the smiles behind the mask to see the smiles behind the mask. As challenging and tragic as these months and years were, we are full of Gratitudes for our every day triumphs at Basketful.
Gratitudes for the people - customers, team members, family, landlords, media, markets - who enabled these every daily wins.
Gratitudes for the little things that, during these moments, we all remembered were the big things. Relationships, care, support, resilience ♥️
Oh! And Gratitudes for packing up deliveries with a One Direction playlist almost 10 years after everyone else knew they were great! 🎶
Gratitudes for learning that during the most troubling times or periods of great loss, a smile is what makes life beautiful. The big ones on your face, the sweet ones in your eyes, the spontaneous ones upon reading a card, the soft ones singing quietly in your heart. Gratitudes for those 💕