Dear Me in 2032,
Let me start by saying, ‘best of luck’ and ‘hold it together’. Your oldest child is moments from turning eighteen. While I can imagine every year of his that ended in -teen was full of challenges and joy, the life events of 2032 will be unique. Enjoy it and celebrate his courage.
‘best of luck’ and ‘hold it together’.
Plus, if all has gone to plan, he’s ready for the world, yet rooted at home. Not physically. If you’ve locked your adult child in his room to keep him from leaving for college, that’s a bad choice. Undue that. But rooted in love.
Now, let me remind you, I am writing this letter to you in 2022. The word “plan” is only starting to regain any sort of meaning after two years of unpredictability and turmoil. So, without knowing what to expect in the coming minutes, days, years, here are my latest lessons learned worth remembering in ten years.
You love to cook.
It was a newfound joy during and after quarantine. Assuming your commute is more than a simple staircase these days, I hope you’ve found a way to keep family dinner homemade and nightly.
You love to color.
And it’s a great way to spend time with yourself and your family. The day-to-day schedule doesn’t always permit time for creativity, but as easily as you can flip on the TV or thumb through your phone, you can write, draw, color, sing. Those things bring much joy. Make time.
Your glass is half full.
Not everyone has to understand. Positivity can be constant and authentic. Make sure you stop to feel all the feels. But don’t hide that giggly energy. Be it, show it and share it.
Enjoy the now.
Life is short and you fill it tightly. Do what you do with purpose and share all you can with everyone you can reach. Accept the gifts others share and teach. Keep learning and you’ll never be faced with a day that’s unwelcome. Stay close to the ones you love, have faith, and be grateful.